Eagles' Wings
Therapeutic Riding Center

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Winnie was the longest serving therapist in our stable. He came to Eagles’ Wings in 2007 as a loan horse, about one year after Eagles’ Wings opened. Winnie liked to eat, and he soon learned where the feed was kept. If horse leaders and instructors lost focus on the way to or from the arena, they might find themselves in the feed bin with Winnie. Winnie served our younger riders, and he was able to remain calm in the midst of a new rider’s crying and screaming while they were getting used to riding. Winnie paid attention in the arena – he knew patterns and drills and could perform them without being directed by the rider or horse leader. Winnie also knew where the fans were located and on hot summer days, he would stop without a whoa, and enjoy the cooling breeze. For most of our long-term riders, Winnie was the first horse they ever rode. He was loved by all, and he will be missed. Winnie’s retirement home is with the family of one of our long-time riders, we wish him a very happy retirement. Walk on Winnie.

Tuffy, a very gentle blue-eyed horse, was well loved by our riders and he will be missed. He was retired early because he could no longer physically perform his duties as a therapy horse - too many aches and pains. Tuffy was a character and walked to the beat of a different drummer. He was quite content to be by himself. Tuffy will be heading to Kentucky to live with former Barn Buddy Chris Myers and his family. We wish Tuffy all the best in his retirement. Thanks to Alicia Miller for giving Tuffy his farewell bath and grooming! Walk on Tuffy.